Problems reporting

In the event of problem in the apartment or in the property, you can reach us at the following times and contact methods:

  • Weekdays between 09.00-11.00. Telephone 010-330 3044
  • You can also reach us by email:

Urgent problems

If there are urgent problems in the apartment or in the property during office hours, you can always reach us on  010-330 3044

Urgent problems other times (which cannot wait until the office opens). Sjödoff Property 0221-82038 (applies only in Köping).

Finances, rent administration and questions about rent

Weekdays between 09.00-11.00. Phone: 010-330 3044, e-mail:i

Property manager:

Telefon: 010-330 3044, e-mail:

Property maintenance

Sjödoff Fastighetsservice



Kabel-TV, Bredband

  • ComHem: 0771-55 00 00
  • Canal Digital: 0770-33 22 11
  • Köping Kabel och Tv: 0221-250 45

Electricity, connecting and disconnecting when moving

Mälarenergi 021- 395050

 Boden: Bodens energi: 0921-582 00

Pests in apartments

Nomor Köping/Västerås: 0771-122 300

Anticimex: 075-245 10 00